Everyone can find the nourishment they need here
Food and friendship can solve a lot of problems. In reality, there is enough of each to go around, but not everyone has access to those fundamental needs. That’s why we exist.
We create places where people from all backgrounds
can come together to find nourishment for their
bodies and souls.
“You all are my difference. My happiness is there. I call you all my pantry friends ... I just love being there. My greatest happiness is being there, helping people on Fridays and Saturdays ... I love y'all.”
-- Ms. Florida, Community Member

Our Approach
As our roots go deeper together in these communities, our lives intertwine and we begin to belong and contribute to something much bigger than ourselves. The fruit of that belonging is food for the body and life for the soul.
NourishMKE is the largest network of community food centers in Milwaukee. We provide encouraging spaces to select and prepare free quality foods, and explore nutrition and wellbeing. The foods are thoughtfully sourced to offer options and reduce waste. We’re always looking for valuable ways to love our community, which is why we go out of our way to meet people where they’re at. When we join together, we are nourished and help each other grow.

Breaking down barriers to essential food and friendship.

Creating encouraging spaces for people to grow and thrive together.

Resource Network
Our citywide network of centers creates efficiency and abundance.
With over 54,000 people served last year and over
1 million pounds of food distributed, we’re proud to be a
leading organization in providing nourishment for