Erika’s Year of Service

As Max (Mitchell & Streetlife founder) has told me from the very beginning of my term, “It’s not a coincidence that you are here.” I couldn’t agree more. Call it what you may, divine intervention or the planets aligning, either way, Nourish MKE and Streetlife were exactly what I needed at this point in my […]

Reflections – November 2022

I have come to understand that nearly every person who walks through the doors of NourishMKE is walking a razor’s edge between barely making it and economic disaster. That is the mountaintop we walk daily, the familiar landscape. You can see stress in the eyes and faces of almost everyone who wanders up to get […]

Nina’s Reflection – September 2021

The value in my AmeriCorps service term reaches far and wide, but I don’t think it solely lies within the skills I’ve gained or my “employability.” It’s not documented in a spreadsheet. For me, what I gained most from my time with NourishMKE is my ability to recognize and receive love, compassion, and understanding. Regardless […]

Reflections – September 2020

She is small of stature with fine features, probably in her 60s. Her clothing is simple. She may be small and finely featured, but she is deceptively strong. She has come for food to support her family for at least the past several years. She wears a colorful bandana and mask and gloves. Each week […]

Pandemic Reflection – 2020

Uncertain times. A new variant of COVID, an economy that does not quite recover to our community and weather that can be violent and scary. What are we to do? The answer is that we need and must come together. This is our community and as long as we are able to obtain food and […]